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Initial Assesments & Routine Treatments


All new general footcare (routine) patients are seen for an initial 40 minute initial assessment, where upon we will take your medical history, details of any current medication, in addition to the physical assessment.


We record details including your: name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, GP details, past and current medical history, allergies, medication, and any previous treatments.


This is known as your minimum data set and recording it is a legal requirement. If you refuse to give us this information we will not be able to offer you treatment at our practice. We keep all the information you give us confidentially, in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, the Health Professions Council.


In most cases treatment will be provided at your first appointment, however, if your assessment takes us longer to complete (maybe you need further tests) then you will be invited back for another appointment.


If you prefer to be seen at home we can also provide podiatry care for you at home, please click on the above link or contact us via our contact page.


Examples of conditions treated in a routine appointment


  • Corns, callus, dry, hard and cracked skin on all areas of the foot.

  • Painful, thick, yellow, in-growing and fungal infected toenails.

  • Foot infections such as athletes foot, fungal infections verrucae and warts.

  • All foot problems associated with diabetes.

  • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.

  • Foot and postural pains.



What's included in the treatment


  • An extensive foot health assessment.

  • A full review of medical history and medication.

  • Our HCPC Registered Podiatrists will take time to understand any concerns you may have about your feet.

  • Hard skin and corns will be gently removed and nails trimmed and filed.

  • The treatment is normally completed with the application of a foot moisturiser.

  • Our HCPC Registered Podiatrists will provide you with a treatment plan and advice on how to keep your feet healthy and in optimal condition.

  • All patients are assessed on an individual basis and so the treatment can vary slightly, this ensures each and every patient get the right treatment and advice based on their own concerns

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